Naylor Industries PLC have released their brand new Denlok product brochure featuring Trenchless Solutions Ltd. Denlok is a vitrified clay jacking pipe available in sizes from DN150 to DN600. Clay has high inherent strength and Denlok provides both high jacking strength and load bearing capability. Trenchless Solutions can install this using our Perforator GmbH Guided […]
No wonder Christians suitcase was so heavy! Many thanks for our German beer – looking forward to drinking that – but we might leave it until after our customer meetings! For details of our range of Jakob Thaler GmbH winches, cable drum trailers, fiber blowing hardware and consumables see their website then get in touch […]
Here is a video from a previous project that we did in Scarborough. The Perforator GmbH PBA85V guided thrust boring system (pull back technique) was used to install 700m of gravity sewer. 180mm SDR11 black PE pipe was installed to straight accurate line and gradient in various drive lengths between 55 to 65 metres. For […]
Commercial vehicle movements in the workplace require careful management to control and reduce the likelihood of accidents. An employer has a legal duty to make sure that people are safe in the workplace they control, even where they are employed by others or are members of the public. Every workplace should be organised so that […]
Brand new Hercu 135mm piling mole getting loaded for our customer GM Building Foundations Ltd… This new version is uprated and 20% more powerful than the original 135mm and comes with a 24 month manufacturer warranty… We get superb feedback from our piling customers so get in touch for more details… 01226 785722 or [email protected] […]
Here’s to some better weather for NoDig Live 2022! We’ve increased the size of our hospitality trailer this year and will have plenty of room for entertaining. Come and visit us on Outdoor Stand 55 between 13-15th September at East Of England Arena, Peterborough. #scorchio #heatwave #teamtrenchless #impactmole #trenchlesstechnology #sunglasses #nodig2022 #nodiglive2022 #nodiglive
Project completed in #preston last week 27m of DN300 Naylor Industries PLC #clay jacking #pipe installed to accurate straight line and grade using our #perforator #guidedaugerboring system. #teamtrenchless #trenchless #nodig #augerboring #trenchlesstechnology #pipework #auger #trenchlesssolutions #naylor #naylorindustries #lancashire
Today’s newsletter from TS Training Services Ltd featuring the Health and Safety courses that we have available, some of these include Abrasive Wheels, Asbestos Awareness, Emergency First Aid, Face Fit Testing, Manual Handling, Vehicle Marshal. To view click on the link below: #teamtrenchless #trenchless #training #course #trainingcourse #trainingcourses #healthandsafetytraining #healthandsafety #healthandsafetycourses #abrasivewheels #asbestos #asbestosawareness […]
Only 9 weeks to go till Trenchless Sales UK Ltd are at #NoDigLive 2022 Come and meet the sales team on stand #55, 13th – 15th September, East Of England Arena, PE2 6XE We’ll have a range of our equipment, demonstrations, refreshments and a maybe a surprise competition or two!!! We’re also partnering with our […]
Trenchless Solutions offer Horizontal Directional Drilling. This trenchless method is ideal for the installation of cables and ducts, water mains, pumped sewer lines, gas lines and oil lines under waterways, roads, railways, existing structures, congested areas, environmentally sensitive areas and any area where other methods are more costly or not feasible. Contact the team on […]