Out with the old in with the new… Trenchless Sales UK Ltd offer trade in deals on all brands & size moles… Piling And Drilling Supplies And Services Ltd taking full advantage of this deal with an upgraded 135mm Hercu piling mole… If you’re looking to update, upgrade or just purchase new moling equipment please […]
Project recently completed in #doncaster 36m of DN225 Naylor Drainage Ltd #clay jacking #pipe installed to accurate straight line and grade using our #guidedaugerboring system. Naylor Industries PLC https://www.naylor.co.uk/catalogue/denlok/ www.trenchlesssolutions.co.uk This DN225 pipe is available at our Trenchless HQ in Barnsley. Follow Trenchless Solutions Ltd to see more up and coming projects !! #teamtrenchless #trenchless […]
What happened on Wednesday… Great to see Trevor Dorrell from Westrade Group Ltd… He popped down to Phil Letchford, Matt Ridge and Emma Steele at Trenchless Sales UK Ltd HQ for a cuppa, catch up and tour of our site… Loads to chat about and interesting things in the pipeline… Trenchless Works https://www.trenchlesssales.co.uk/ Follow Trenchless […]
Mini HDD (or Mini horizontal directional drilling) is a guided trenchless method in which a pilot borehole is drilled along a pre-determined bore path, subsequent hole enlargement follows the path set by the pilot bore, from a pit or from the surface with minimum disturbance. For more information on the services we offer visit http://www.trenchlesssolutions.co.uk/our-services/ […]
Trenchless Solutions offer this No-Dig technique of Impact Moling as a fast, low cost reliable method for installation of pipes, cables and ducts from 20mmØ up to 180mmØ distances from 5 metres up to 20 metres, through various ground types. For more information on the services we offer visit http://www.trenchlesssolutions.co.uk/our-services/ or call us on 01226 […]
Own this trailer for £100 per week!! 2.6 tonnes load / holds drums 2.8m diameter and 1.6m wide Engine / hydraulic loading / hydraulic reeler built in! Example finance package from Kennet Equipment Leasing – Approx £100 +VAT per week over 4 years. – Setting the finance up as a lease would mean 19% tax […]
The Site Supervision Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS and SSSTS-R) is for you if you’re considering, or already have, supervisory responsibilities. At the end of the course you will have an understanding of: – health and safety law and how it applies to supervisors – your supervisory responsibilities in controlling site safely – risk assessments and […]
Naylor Denlok is a vitrified clay jacking pipe system to be used in conjunction with trenchless installation techniques. Such installation is undertaken wherever it is not cost effective or convenient to dig a trench to lay pipes in and will typically be used to install sewer pipelines under rivers, railways, in poor ground conditions or […]
Available at Naylor Drainage Ltd HQ in Cawthorne, Barnsley. Naylor Industries PLC https://www.naylor.co.uk/catalogue/denlok/ https://www.trenchlesssolutions.co.uk/ Follow Trenchless Solutions Ltd to see more up and coming projects !! #teamtrenchless #trenchless #trenchlesstechnology #trenchlesssolutions #naylorindustries #naylor #denlok #clay #pipe #pipework #guidedaugerboring #auger #augerboring #drainage #naylordrainage #naylordenlok
Our equipment going out to Billockby last week. This project will involve the installation of 36m DN150 Naylor Drainage Ltd Denlok clay jacking pipe using our Guided Auger Boring system. The DN150 jacking pipe is fitted with EPDM seals and an injection moulded polypropylene sleeve and integral thrust ring, all elastomer components conform to the […]