Take a look at our very own EasyDrill… This is Trenchless Solutions Ltd own #EasyDrill which is used on all our #directionaldrilling jobs we carry out… Trenchless Sales UK Ltd have completed a routine repair and service to make sure it’s ready to take on its next job… This piece of kit is smaller, lighter […]
Contact the team on 01226 785722 or email [email protected] for the last remaining stock of Naylor Industries PLC Densleeve pipes and fittings !! #clay #buildingsupplies #naylorindustries #naylor #yorkshirewater #naylordensleeve #densleeve #drainage #naylordrainage #trenchless #trenchlessolutions #drainagesolutions #construction #teamtrenchless #civilengineering #civils #clay #pipe #pipeline #tunnelling #tunneling #gullies #hoppers #grates #tapers #wastewater #construction
Trenchless Sales UK Ltd have repaired another batch of moles… This pallet of moles is on its way back to our customers JN CIVILS LIMITED… We service most major brands and can carry out most repair work with a 24hr turnaround… If you have moling equipment that’s well overdue for a service or is in […]
Fantastic finish to last week!! 1st drive completed in harsh ground conditions. Well done to ours lads again, installation of Naylor Industries PLC DN300 Denlok #pipejacking #clay pipe to straight line and grade using #guidedaugerboring #trenchlesstechnology This #trenchless method is used daily throughout the #uk to install various pipe types where depths, exsisting services or […]
60m piloted to straight line and grade using our #guidedaugerboring system at #York Trenchless Solutions own and operate the largest fleet of #augerboring rigs within the #UK contact the team on 01226 785722 if you think we can help with your next project. https://www.trenchlesssolutions.co.uk/ Follow Trenchless Solutions Ltd to see more up and coming projects […]
Nice one lads!! difficult conditions on our #york site, our guys successfully piloted to straight line and grade 60m using our #guidedaugerboring system, next we will install temporary steel casings then finally install the #clay DN300 Naylor Industries PLC #jacking pipe Go to our services page on or website to see how this #trenchless technique […]
Our recent Naylor Industries PLC Densleeve newsletter: https://createsend.com/t/r-19F57E04F8B368C72540EF23F30FEDED Contact the team for our list of stock and prices 01226 785722 or [email protected] #clay #buildingsupplies #naylorindustries #naylor #yorkshirewater #naylordensleeve #densleeve #drainage #naylordrainage #trenchless #trenchlessolutions #drainagesolutions #construction #teamtrenchless #civilengineering #civils #clay #pipe #pipeline #tunnelling #tunneling #gullies #hoppers #grates #tapers #wastewater #construction
The EasyDrill FD10-G is off to its new home in Ireland… If you’re looking to move from impact moling to directional drilling then this is the perfect mini HDD to make that transition… This piece of kit is smaller, lighter and more versatile that the leading market rivals, with a lot more torque… The EasyDrill […]
Trenchless Solutions Ltd have now reached 1000 followers on Facebook Thank You !! https://www.trenchlesssolutions.co.uk/
Looking for Naylor Drainage Ltd #densleeve? we hold the last remaining stock of all size pipes and fittings !! Deliveries throught the UK Contact the team for our list of stock and prices 01226 785722 or [email protected] Naylor Industries PLC #clay #buildingsupplies #naylorindustries #naylor #yorkshirewater #naylordensleeve #densleeve #drainage #naylordrainage #trenchless #trenchlessolutions #drainagesolutions #construction #teamtrenchless #civilengineering […]