Work continues in North Yorkshire for Trenchless Solutions Ltd with our #civils deep dig teams. On line replacement of #clay DN225 pipe, overpumping is set up and bad ground conditions means the area has to be de-watered before any excavation can take place. We have Civils teams working throught #yorkshire and #humberside, if you have […]
We are very happy to welcome Simon Marsh to the team at Trenchless Group as our new Contracts and Technical sales manager. Simon will be working closely with all departments throughout the Group, as well as forging relationships with our clients of new and old. We look forward to a great working relationship with all […]
Trenchless Solutions own and operate the largest fleet of Auger Boring rigs within the UK!! Our experience in working on varied trenchless projects gives us a real knowledge of our customer’s challenges. We know how important it is to look at our customer’s individual needs when helping them. Follow Trenchless Solutions Ltd to see […]
Trenchless Solutions Ltd offer No-Dig Underground Pipeline Installations throughout the UK and Ireland. Trenchless Solutions Ltd provide a broad range of expertise and serve multiple sectors within the construction and utility industry, installing various pipe types using an array of no-dig techniques. Contact the team on 01226 785722 if you think we can help with your […]
The three-day First Aid at Work course is for people who may need to provide first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work. It includes training on specific injuries and illnesses that may have been identified in your first aid needs assessment. Call us on 0113 898 0063 or […]
Great project lads !! working with a great client this week, really understood our pit requirements and the required attendances to enable the project to be completed on time and budget. This scheme was a short 22m drive of Naylor Drainage Ltd DN150 mm diameter #Denlok #clay #jackingpipe, this type of clay pipe is used […]
Naylor Drainage Ltd being loaded and sent to site. DN150- DN700 #denlok #clay #tunnelling pipe in stock and available around the UK contact the team for more info. Contact the team for more info 01226785722 #thrustboring #teamtrenchless #trenchless #trenchlesssolutions #trenchlesstechnology #pipesupplies #guidedaugerboring #augerboring #pipeinstallation #naylor #naylordenlok #naylordrainage #drainage #clay #pipe #pipework #thrustboring #tunnelling #tunnel #tunneling […]
Great start to the week, the team on our #york site have completed the piloting operation on a 50m drive using our #guidedaugerboring system. See how we guide the 114mm pilot rod through to the reception pit before changing over to augers and casing installation that opens up the hole enabling installation of the Naylor […]
This clip shows the final stage of the #guidedaugerboring #trenchless method.
Don’t miss this!!!! As you may or may not know Naylor Industries PLC no longer manufacture #Densleeve #clay #drainage, We have acquired the remaining stock and the pipe you may require may not be available from your usual stocklist!! We have available… 100mm Pipe, Bends, Junctions & Saddles 150mm Pipe, Bends, Junctions & Saddles 225mm […]